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Elizabeth Boosahda, Arab-American Faces and Voices: The Origins of an Immigrant Community, Austin: University of Texas Press, 2003.
Elizabeth Claire Saylor, A Bridge Too Soon. The Life and Works of ‘Afīfa Karam: The First Arab American Woman Novelist, University of California, Berkeley, Summer 2015.
Irfan Shahid, Gibran Kahlil Gibran Between Two Millennia, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilization, University of Washington, 2002.
James Patrick McGuire, "The Texians and the Texans: The Syrian and Lebanese Texans", The University of Texas at San Antonio Institute of Texan Cultures, 1974.
Sarah M.A. Gualtieri, “From Lebanon to Louisiana: ‘Afifa Karam and Arab Women’s Writing in the Diaspora,” in Arab American Women: Critical Engagements, edited by Suad Joseph, Syracuse University Press, 2015.