Claudio Toscani, Lo sguardo di Gibran sulle «stagioni dell'anima», "L'Osservatore Romano", May 5, 2004, p. 8 (review)
Letters of Kahlil Gibran to Archbishop Antonious Bashir________Gibran’s letters to Archbishop Antonious Bashir were unknown and unpublished until November 11, 2004 when they appeared in the original Arabic in Al-Mulhaq, the weekly literary supplement for the Lebanese newspaper An-Nahar. According to An-Nahar, these letters remained hidden among the archives of the Greek Orthodox Diocese in North America. It appears that Archbishop Philip Saliba was one day searching in the old files of his predecessor, Antonious Bashir, when he accidentally found these letters. Bashir was the translator of The Prophet into Arabic. The Lebanese newspaper adds that these letters acquire great importance as they constitute, on the one hand, a dialogue between the author and his translator, and on the other hand, they form part of Gibran’s great literary heritage of which many hidden treasures have not yet been discovered.
Sarah Gualtieri, Gendering the Chain Migration Thesis: Women and Syrian Transatlantic Migration, 1878-1924, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Volume 24, Number 1, 2004, pp. 67-78.