Kahlil Gibran Collective


"Arab Philosopher Desires Jews to Have Fair Chance in Palestine", New York, September 22 (Year and Journal Unknown).

"Arab Philosopher Desires Jews to Have Fair Chance in Palestine", New York, September 22 (Year and Journal Unknown).

"AUB & Gibran Exhibition", American University of Beirut, Aug 17, 1972, p. 8.
"AUB & Gibran Exhibition", American University of Beirut, Aug 17, 1972, p. 8. 
Kahlil Gibran International Exhibition, organized and assembled by S.B. Bushrui for the Gibran National Committee and the American University of Beirut, in collaboration with the Youth Committee of the World Lebanese Cultural Union, Beirut: the National Council for Tourism, 2-15 August 1972
"Bari, sono in un libro i ‘20 disegni’ di Kahlil Gibran, scrittore d’Oriente", Puglia, May 23, 2007, p. 17

"Bari, sono in un libro i ‘20 disegni’ di Kahlil Gibran, scrittore d’Oriente", Puglia, 
May 23, 2007, p. 17 

"East is West: A Review of 'Twenty Drawings' by Kahlil Gibran", Arts & Decoration, New York, Jan. 1920, p. 196.

"East is West: A Review of 'Twenty Drawings' by Kahlil Gibran", Arts & Decoration, New York, Jan. 1920, p. 196.



"El Profeta de Khalil Gibrán fue analizado en Antofagasta", Mundo Árabe, Jun 30, 1955, pp. 5,8.
"El Profeta de Khalil Gibrán fue analizado en Antofagasta", Mundo Árabe, Jun 30, 1955, pp. 5,8.
"Gibrán Jalil Gibrán: Espuma y Arena", Mundo Árabe, Nov 15, 1973, p. 12.

"Gibrán Jalil Gibrán: Espuma y Arena", Mundo Árabe, Nov 15, 1973, p. 12.

"Gibran Jalil Gibran: Nicho de los restos del pensador Libanés", Mundo Árabe, Nov 30, 1961, p. 19.
"Gibran Jalil Gibran: Nicho de los restos del pensador Libanés", Mundo Árabe, Nov 30, 1961, p. 19.
"Gibrán Jalil Gibrán: vida y obra del principe de los poetas arabes", Mundo Árabe, Nov 15, 1972, pp. 3-4.
"Gibrán Jalil Gibrán: vda y obra del principe de los poetas arabes", Mundo Árabe, Nov 15, 1972, pp. 3-4.
"Gibran Khalil Gibran: Fragmentos Biográficos", La Reforma, Jan 1, 1938, p. 15.

"Gibran Khalil Gibran: Fragmentos Biográficos", La Reforma, Jan 1, 1938, p. 15.

"Grandioso homenaje a la memoria de Gibran Khalil Gibran",La Reforma, Jun 6, 1931, p. 1.
"Grandioso homenaje a la memoria de Gibran Khalil Gibran",La Reforma, Jun 6, 1931, p. 1.
"Homenaje a Gibran Khalil Gibran", La Reforma, May 17, 1941, p. 8.

"Homenaje a Gibran Khalil Gibran", La Reforma, May 17, 1941, p. 8.

"Jababiret al-Ard" (The Earth Gods), a theatre play, adaptation of the book by Kahlil Gibran, Ramallah 2003.

"Jababiret al-Ard" (The Earth Gods), a theatre play, adaptation of the book by Kahlil Gibran, Ramallah 2003.


Ashtar Theatre's play titled, "Jababiret al-Ard" [The Earth Gods], and performed by Walid abd es-Salam, Omar al-Jallad, Mahmud Eid, and Maysun Rafidi. The play is an adaptation of a book written by Kahlil Gibran of the same name, directed by Ashtar's artistic director Iman Aoun and visual artist Taysir Barakat (Ramallah, Palestine 2003); English and Arabic original texts. It includes an introduction to Ashtar and a project description in terms of the synopsis and aesthetics of the performance of the play, in addition to tours and a list of biographies of the team involved in the process.
"Kahlil Gibran, an Armenian Artist", Philadelphia Inquirer 1914
"Kahlil Gibran, an Armenian Artist", Philadelphia Inquirer 1914
"Literatura árabe: Gibrán Khalil Gibrán", La Reforma, Sept 18, 1933 pp. 18-19,22.
"Literatura árabe: Gibrán Khalil Gibrán", La Reforma, Sept 18, 1933 pp. 18-19,22.
"Nuestro homenaje al brillante intelectual", Mundo Árabe, Jan 1, 1970, p. 66.
"Nuestro homenaje al brillante intelectual", Mundo Árabe, Jan 1, 1970, p. 66.
"Presentia y aporte de la cultura Arabe en Chile", Mundo Árabe, Jun 1, 1951, p. 3.

"Presentia y aporte de la cultura Arabe en Chile", Mundo Árabe, Jun 1, 1951, p. 3.

"Robo judio Mois Hain Harun escritos del gran Gibrán Khalil Gibrán", Mundo Árabe, Feb 25, 1949, p. 5.

"Robo judio Mois Hain Harun escritos del gran Gibrán Khalil Gibrán", Mundo Árabe, Feb 25, 1949, p. 5.

"Syrian Poet's Body Starts For Homeland", Fitchburg Sentinel (Fitchburg, Worcester, Massachusetts), 24 Jul 1931, p. 11.

"Syrian Poet's Body Starts For Homeland", Fitchburg Sentinel (Fitchburg, Worcester, Massachusetts), 24 Jul 1931, p. 11.

"The Poet Jawdat Haydar: An Outstanding Talent From Lebanon", The Educational Magazine, Special Issue, Dec 2011.
"The Poet Jawdat Haydar: An Outstanding Talent From Lebanon", The Educational Magazine, Special Issue, Dec 2011.
5e Rencontre internationale Gibran: «Gibran Khalil Gibran, entre Orient et Occident», L’Actualité: Le Programme de l’Institut du Monde Arabe de l’Ima, 9 Oct 2019-19 Jan 2020, p. 39.

5e Rencontre internationale Gibran: «Gibran Khalil Gibran, entre Orient et Occident», L’Actualité: Le Programme de l’Institut du Monde Arabe de l’Ima, 9 Oct 2019-19 Jan 2020, p. 39.