Kahlil Gibran Collective


Letter of Kahlil Gibran to Lucy Skidmore Scribner, New York, March 25, 1928.

Letter of Kahlil Gibran to Lucy Skidmore Scribner, New York, March 25, 1928.

"March 25 1928.
My dear Mrs. Scribner, I regret very much that I shall not be able to dine with you on Thursday April the Twelfth. Had I not already made another engagement, for that same evening, nothing could have given me a greater pleasure. You are indeed most gracious to ask me and I grateful to you. Cordially yours Kahlil Gibran.”

The recipient, Lucy Skidmore Scribner (1853-1931), was married John Blair Scribner (1850-1879). The couple resided at 21 East 48th Street in New York for their marriage. In 1879, after just 4 years of marriage, Lucy was widowed when her husband died of pneumonia. In 1903, she created “The Young Women’s Industrial Club” in Saratoga Springs, New York, and in 1911, the club was renamed the “Skidmore School of Arts” and chartered as a college to vocationally and professionally train young women. In 1922, the school became a four-year, degree-granting institution for women and was renamed “Skidmore College.”


Letter of Kahlil Gibran to Mable G. Bryan (Augusta, Maine), Sept. 15, 1927
Letter of Kahlil Gibran to Mable G. Bryan (Augusta, Maine), Sept. 15, 1927
Boston, Sept. 15, 1927 
My dear Miss Bryan, 
It is so good of you to ask after my health, and I am indeed grateful to you. My health is infinitely better now. Living out of doors has done a great deal for me physically. And besides I have not been allowed to do any work. But I have come to the conclusion, however, that hell is a place where no one is allowed to work. 
I agree with you that some wives are inquisitive, and also some husbands. But I have not the one nor am I the other. So, you see, my life is much simpler than the other person’s life. To be sure, my secretary takes care of my impersonal letters, and he does his work quite well. 
Yes, I am interested in languages, and of course I have always known French. And though I am not a linguist, philology has been, and is now, one of the most interesting subjects to me. I think that the history of words is the history of the human mind. 
I did visit Rocheport more than once, but I did not have the pleasure of meeting your friends there. My memory for names is poor, but not for faces. 
You ask me why I am interested in you and in your letters. As an answer I would say: Why did I write "The Prophet", the little book which you said you like? Is there really a difference between writing a poem and a letter — that is if the writer does not know the difference? 
In a day or two I am going to New Hampshire. Most of the time I shall be alone in the forest. Write to me if you should care to do so. Your letters are always welcome. 
Faithfully yours 
Kahlil Gibran 
Letter of Kahlil Gibran to Marie Azeez El-Khoury (Boston, undated)
Letter of Kahlil Gibran to Marie Azeez El-Khoury (Boston, undated)
O Beloved Marie, 
Beginning Sunday and up till this hour, I have been among friends and acquaintances, like a boat in the middle of the sea rolled by the waves and buffeted by winds, I became tired of being honored and flattered and invited, however, I am yearning for the golden corner that is filled with quiet and silence - and now, I stole an hour from my friends and came to a room to be alone and talk to you to revive my spirit with ideas and dreams that swim around my head when I sit alone and think of you. You, Marie, are like the pure morning breeze carrying the fragrance of flowers and breaths of bouquets. So, when I think of you I feel an internal ease as though my spirits have been bathed by waves of this perfumed breeze. 
Christmas has passed but it did not leave in my heart except regret, longing, and sad memories. However, I put on the appearance of happiness and joy before those whom I like and who like me. And I hate putting on appearances, even the kind that makes other people happy. Holidays, Marie, are seasons of happiness for some people but seasons of sadness for many. 
I will return to New York by the end of the week, and were it not for some work I would return tomorrow, but it is life that steers us sometimes through valleys and other times to the top of the mountains. And even though I consider myself to be free, I still am obliged to pay attention to my work and the relationships my work has created with others. 
I long for you, O Marie, with all the yearning of fire. I long for the playing, laughter, and smiles, and for the touch of your hands and your shoulders. And I long for your teasing me!! 
Think about me a little if you are able, and allow me to place a small kiss—a very small kiss—on your tender palm. 
May the heavens keep you 
27 Tyler St. (Boston)
Letter of Kahlil Gibran to Mrs. Holt, Nov. 19, 1920.
My dear Mrs. Holt,
It is indeed a long time since we have met, but Mrs. [Julia Ellsworth] Ford and I have often spoken of you, and I have asked her many times to remember me to you.
I shall be very glad to come and dine with you on the December the third at half past seven. It is most gracious of you to ask me, and I shall be happy to see you again and to have the pleasure of meeting your friends.
Very sincerely, yours
Kahlil Gibran
Nov. 19 - 1920
Gibran references conversations with the socialite Julia Ellsworth Ford, who was his friend.
[Gibran's] Letter of appreciation to Paris People, "The Paris Morning News" (Paris, Texas), Sat, Nov 18, 1916

[Gibran's] Letter of appreciation to Paris People, "The Paris Morning News" (Paris, Texas), Sat, Nov 18, 1916, p. 7.

Recently The News printed an appeal for funds for the stricken Syrians in the Mount Lebanon country working in connection with David Coury, the local merchant. Our appeal and his sollecitation brought forth the generous sum of $430 which was sent to the committee.
We are now in receipt of the following letter to the mayor and citizens of Paris, expressing appreciation for our generous gift:
New York, Nov. 13, 1916.

I wish to thank you in behalf at our committee and in the name of our stricken nation for the help that you have extended to our countrymen in Paris, Texas. The generosity of Americans which knows no racial nor religious bounds is the one beautiful flower today in the desolate garden of humanity. And away out in those ancient hills is the shadows of the sacred cedar, every life redetermed is a new living expression of thanks to America.
Very truly yours
Gibran K. Gibran, Secretary