Kahlil Gibran Collective


Juliet [Thompson] Remembers Gibran: As told to Marzieh Gail, World Order, 12:4, 1978, pp. 29-31.
Juliet [Thompson] Remembers Gibran: As told to Marzieh Gail, World Order, 12:4, 1978, pp. 29-31.
Letter of Kahlil Gibran to Juliet Thompson, Boston, December 28, 1915.
Letter of Kahlil Gibran to Juliet Thompson, Boston, December 28, 1915. 
Dear Juliet, 
I shall be more than glad to know Albert Vail. Your friends are my friends - even those whome [sic] I have not yet known. I wonder how many friends you and I have of whome we know nothing? 
I know that the New Year will bring you blessings - just as well as I know that the heavens will fulfill all the great dreams of your great heart. 
And may the Salam of Allah be with you always. 
Letter of Kahlil Gibran to Juliet Thompson, New York, December 17, 1919
Letter of Kahlil Gibran to Juliet Thompson, New York, December 17, 1919
Dear Juliet, 
I was told just now that the Weirs have decided to keep the studio and that their daughter, also a painter, is to occupy it. I wish I could tell you how sorry I am about it. I was so happy in the thought of having you as a neighbour. In the meanwhile I shall be asking everybody about studios - we may be able to find something just as good. 
I know that you have much to say about Washington and I want to hear every word. I, too, have a great deal to tell you about the Near East. One thing I am certain of is this: the great war enhanced human consciousness but not human justice. 
And may God bless you always. 
Ever yours 
Dec. 17,