Kahlil Gibran Collective


Drawings of Gibran: A Humane Perspective [Flyer], Sharjah Art Museum, Oct 7-Dec 10, 2015.

Drawings of Gibran: A Humane Perspective [Flyer], Sharjah Art Museum, Oct 7-Dec 10, 2015.

Gibran: El Profeta [Gibran: The Prophet], Soumaya Museum [Exhibition Guide], Mexico City, from Dec 11, 2009.
Gibran: El Profeta [Gibran: The Prophet], Soumaya Museum [Exhibition Guide], Mexico City, from Dec 11, 2009.
The Art of Kahlil Gibran, Telfair, Issue 8, Sept-Dec 2010, pp. 6-7.

The Art of Kahlil Gibran, Telfair, Issue 8, Sept-Dec 2010, pp. 6-7.