Kahlil Gibran Collective

Gibran International Conference - Russia (May-June 2021)

21 May 2021

By Glen Kalem-Habib and Francesco Medici

Announcement: Kahlil Gibran International Conference - Russia (May-June 2021)

Where: Al-Bayt al-Lubnany, the Lebanese House in Moscow. 

Dates: May 26-27 and June 1-2, 2021, at 18:00 (Russian time)

Gibran International Conference - May/June 2021

Al-Bayt al-Lubnany, the Lebanese House in Moscow is proud to announce the first-ever Kahlil Gibran Conference in Russia. The Lebanese House is an association that celebrates the Lebanese community within Russia and carries out cultural and social activities in partnership with Russian and Lebanese institutions and associations.

The cultural activities organized by the Lebanese House in the past, include a symposium on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of the Lebanese politician, writer and philosopher, Kamal Jumblatt (February 2018); a symposium dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Naimy (November 2019), during which 10 research papers were presented, each one dealt with different aspects of the literature, philosophy and life of the great writer from Baskinta.

On May 26-27 and June 1-2, 2021, at 18:00 (Russian time), it will host for the first time an  Academic Conference (Arabic) dedicated to the 90th anniversary commemorating the death of the great Lebanese writer, poet and artist Kahlil Gibran, with the participation of several international scholars and researchers. The interventions will be divided into four parts:

“The Language and Poetry of Kahlil Gibran” 

“About Kahlil Gibran”

“Kahlil Gibran Literature and Criticism”

“Kahlil Gibran Philosophy”

The Zoom event can be followed here: https://zoom.us/j/8860299296?pwd=cUprVFgzK1BIVUFoS2RmOVZxZ2J1Zz09

(Conference ID: 986 6172 9397 - Passcode: 852749)

Here below is the complete Arabic program of the Conference: