Kahlil Gibran Collective

New Book ~ Bradawn Yeats – A Khalil Gibran Tribute to W.B. Yeats

28 Apr 2014

A new book by Irish philosopher and poet Richard McSweeney examining the beloved Lebanese writer and poet Kahlil Gibran was released in January 2014. ‘Bradawn Yeats – A Khalil Gibran Tribute to W.B. Yeats’ serves as an enlightening resource that shows Gibran’s appreciation for one of the foremost literary figures.

About Richard McSweeney

A self-originating lyrical philosopher of Éire (Ireland), McSweeney is happily married and has a son and a daughter. He lived in the Republic of Korea for thirteen years, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for three, and a further three in the United Arab Emirates. Since 2001, he has been living and writing back home in Ireland.

McSweeney holds a BA in Korean Language & Literature, and an MA in Classical Chinese Philosophy, both of which he accomplished through the mediums of Korean and Classical Chinese.


