Kahlil Gibran Collective


Gibran: El Profeta [Gibran: The Prophet], Soumaya Museum [Exhibition Guide], Mexico City, from Dec 11, 2009.
Gibran: El Profeta [Gibran: The Prophet], Soumaya Museum [Exhibition Guide], Mexico City, from Dec 11, 2009.
Gibran’s Message to Young Americans of Syrian Origin (reprinted from the first issue of Syrian World), The Syrian World, 5, 8, April 1931, pp. 44–45

Gibran’s Message to Young Americans of Syrian Origin (reprinted from the first issue of Syrian World), The Syrian World, 5, 8, April 1931, pp. 44–45 [digitized by the Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA].


The issue is especially long as it was published the same month famed poet and contributor to the Syrian World, Kahlil Gibran, passed away. There are only just a few inclusions in the article that are not related to Gibran's passing. The first is an article discussing the concept of chivalry in Arabia and Islam. This article primarily deals with the origin of chivalry, which seems to point to the crusades in which Moslem and Christian knights met in combat. Salloum Mokarzel in addition to his tribute work to Gibran is featured for the continuation of his travels through Jebel-Druze. There is then the usual installment of Ali Zaibaq, now a regular series of The Syrian World, and finally there is the inclusion of what usually closes the issues out, the political developments in Syria and excerpts from the Arab press. However intermingled within the regular stories, are works dedicated to Gibran. First there is a discussion of his last days, followed by a description of his Boston funeral. The remainder of the pieces are works by other authors normally featured in the Syrian World, and while the rest pay tribute to one of the most important Lebanese literary figures of all time.

Gladys Baker, "Kahlil Gibran, Syrian Poet-Artist, Tells How, Why He Wrote ‘The Prophet’", The Birmingham News, Sunday, December 11, 1927, p. 19.
Glen Mullin, Blake and Gibran [Review: K. Gibran, Twenty Drawings, New York: Knopf, 1919], The Nation, April 10, 1920, pp. 485-486.

Glen Mullin, Blake and Gibran [Review: K. Gibran, Twenty Drawings, New York: Knopf, 1919], The Nation, April 10, 1920, pp. 485-486.

Gregory J. Shibley, "New York’s Little Syria, 1880-1935", Boca Raton, Florida: Florida Atlantic University, May 2014.
Gregory J. Shibley, "New York’s Little Syria, 1880-1935", Boca Raton, Florida: Florida Atlantic University, May 2014.
H.P.S., review of Gibran's "The Madman", The Liberator, Issue No. 11, Jan 1919, p. 44.
H.P.S., review of Gibran's "The Madman", The Liberator, Issue No. 11, Jan 1919, p. 44.
Ḥadīqat al-Nabī [The Garden of the Prophet], translated into Arabic by Kamāl Zākhir Laṭīf, al-Qāhirah: Maktabat al-‘Arab, 1950.

Ḥadīqat al-Nabī [The Garden of the Prophet], translated into Arabic by Kamāl Zākhir Laṭīf, al-Qāhirah: Maktabat al-‘Arab, 1950.

Halil Cibran, Gezgin [The Wanderer], translated into Turkish by Sibel Özbudun, İstanbul: Anahtar Kitaplar, 1995.

Halil Cibran, Gezgin [The Wanderer], translated into Turkish by Sibel Özbudun, İstanbul: Anahtar Kitaplar, 1995.

Harriet Monroe, "The Madman, by Kahlil Gibran" (review), Poetry, Vol. XIV, No. V, August, 1919, pp. 277-279.

Harriet Monroe, "The Madman, by Kahlil Gibran" (review), Poetry, Vol. XIV, No. V, August, 1919, pp. 277-279.

Hasnain Jatoi, "In-depth analysis of Kahlil Gibran’s work 'On Marriage' and its concept in view of modern society", Dissertation, University of Sindh Jamshoro, Sessione 2016-2017.
To assess Khalil Gibran’s interpretation and incarnation on “Marriage” from his classic masterpiece “The Prophet”, I’ve examined his psychological perspective on the subject of marriage in the light of Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis theory. The present paper depicts how Gibran perceives the ideation of marriage and ongoing conditions of unsuccessful marriages and increment on ratio of divorce. 
Helene Michel Nabbout, Thoreau and Gibran's Defense of Unconventional Thought in 'Walden' and 'The Prophet', Beirut: American University of Beirut, 1998.

Helene Michel Nabbout, Thoreau and Gibran's Defense of Unconventional Thought in 'Walden' and 'The Prophet', Beirut: American University of Beirut, 1998.

Henri Zoghaib, "Hadha al-Rajul min Lubnan", Lebanese American University (LAU), 2021.

Henri Zoghaib, "Hadha al-Rajul min Lubnan", Lebanese American University (LAU), 2021.

Henry James Forman, Work is Love Made Visible: "The Secrets of the Heart". Selected Works (Review), New York Times, Jul 25, 1948.

Henry James Forman, Work is Love Made Visible: "The Secrets of the Heart". Selected Works (Review), New York Times, Jul 25, 1948.

Hisham M. Ali, Gibran in Lebanese Nationalism: A Study of His Canonization and the Translation Flows of 'The Prophet', Brussels Campus, 2022.

Hisham M. Ali, Gibran in Lebanese Nationalism: A Study of His Canonization and the Translation Flows of 'The Prophet', Brussels Campus, 2022.

Hoda Thabet, "Four American Cultural Institutions in Khalil Gibran’s The Prophet and Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland", University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Literature and Linguistics, 2016.
Hoda Thabet, "Four American Cultural Institutions in Khalil Gibran’s The Prophet and Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland", University of Iceland, School of Humanities, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Literature and Linguistics, 2016.
This paper investigates the influence of Herland by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1860-1835) and The Prophet by Khalil Gibran (1883-1930) on American literature from the perspective of four major cultural institutions. In the literature currently available, there is little in reference to the influence of Gilman and Gibran- two marginalized writers at the beginning of the era of American realism- on the discourse of American literature. 
The purpose of this study is to focus primarily on the works of Gibran examining how he depicts four vital cultural institutions. The researcher will compare another marginalized writer, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, with Gibran and both of their focuses on, and the impact of, four cultural institutions on their writing. The institutions focused on are family, education, religion, and love of country. Gibran was a male who lived in an era when society oppressed women and considered them unequal to men. Gilman was a female who lived in the same era. Each has a very analytical, fictional approach to how things could be if they were different in real life. They are from two different traditions. Gibran was an Arab immigrant, who was a pioneer of Modern Arabic American literature. Gilman was an American woman living in a society where women are not valued nor considered equal to men. Many consider her a pioneer in feminism because of her in-depth look at women and their place in society in her writings. There is value in analyzing the works of writers from two different traditions. The comparison and contrast between the two gives a basis for better understanding each. It further enhances the understanding of a literature work’s impact on a historical era, as well as the impact that the historical era has on the literature of the time. Doing a comparative study of literature from the same period and with similar themes leads to greater understanding of not only the literature but the society of the time. An examination of their literary comparisons between Herland and The Prophet and their impact on the culture of the era is a focus of this paper. The structure of the intended analysis of Herland and The Prophet is as follows: to investigate three major factors. First, the researcher will examine Gibran’s work in light of its place in the literature of its individual culture and in relation to transcendentalism. Second, the researcher will then examine Gilman’s work in light of its culture. Finally, the researcher will compare the effect of Herland and The Prophet on four major cultural institutions of their era. The four investigated institutions included are family, religion, education, and love of country (patriotism). Many scholars trace Herland and The Prophet in the study of American literature as pioneering iconic works. However, critical and cultural approaches proposed in the literary studies will compare the featured writings of Gibran to Gilman. The comparative study of inter-textual relation between The Prophet and Herland will define a more in-depth understanding of how their writing influenced the four institutions defining culture.
Holly Arida & Richard Alan Popp, Writing Together: Two Generations of Arab Americans Serve the Public Purpose, Al Jadid, Vol. 16, no. 63, 2010

Holly Arida & Richard Alan Popp, Writing Together: Two Generations of Arab Americans Serve the Public Purpose, Al Jadid, Vol. 16, no. 63, 2010, pp. 6-9.

Homam Altabaa & Adham Hamawiya, "The Life and Works of Kahlil Gibran: A Critical Review", Asiatic, Vol. 13, No. 1, June 2019, pp. 103-118. 
Homam Altabaa & Adham Hamawiya, "The Life and Works of Kahlil Gibran: A Critical Review", Asiatic, Vol. 13, No. 1, June 2019, pp. 103-118. 
There have been numerous dedicated studies on the life and works of Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931) which is understandable due to his stature and popularity in Arabic and American literatures. Nonetheless, it has been argued that the literary establishment has not given Gibran his due credit, especially in the United States, since Gibran has attained global recognition, been translated into tens of languages and sold more volumes than all other poets of America, including Walt Whitman and T.S. Eliot. This review seeks to present an overview of the studies about Gibran and highlight, when possible, the input of these studies on the spiritual aspects in his creative writings. These studies about Gibran and his works have been written in various languages, but the focus here will be on the studies published in English and Arabic, originally or in translation.
Homam Altabaa, Spirituality in Modern Literature: Kahlil Gibran and the Spiritual Quest, "Al-Shajarah", The International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Vol. 22, No. 2, 2017, pp. 215-236.

Homam Altabaa, Spirituality in Modern Literature: Kahlil Gibran and the Spiritual Quest, "Al-Shajarah", The International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Vol. 22, No. 2, 2017, pp. 215-236.

Howard Willard Cook, Our Poets of Today [dedicated to Julia Ellsworth Ford, Witter Bynner, Kahlil Gibran, Percy Mackaye], New York: Moffat, Yard & Company, 1919.

Howard Willard Cook, Our Poets of Today [dedicated to Julia Ellsworth Ford, Witter Bynner, Kahlil Gibran, Percy Mackaye], New York: Moffat, Yard & Company, 1919.

Hüseyin Günday, Şener Şahin, Fadime Kavak, "Literary Influences of Gibran Khalil Gibran", International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 6, No. 3, March, 2015, pp. 148-154.
Hüseyin Günday, Şener Şahin, Fadime Kavak, "Literary Influences of Gibran Khalil Gibran", International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 6, No. 3, March, 2015, pp. 148-154.
Gibran Khalil Gibran, one of the earliest figures of Mahjar literature, is a notable Arab intellectual of Lebanese origin who influenced both Eastern and Western thinkers and luminaries thanks to mystic and philosophical thoughts crystallized in his literary works. Hereby study explores the roots of his philosophical and mystic ideas, duly reflected in his emotional literary works, in East and West.