"Jababiret al-Ard" (The Earth Gods), a theatre play, adaptation of the book by Kahlil Gibran, Ramallah 2003.
Elizabeth Boosahda, Arab-American Faces and Voices: The Origins of an Immigrant Community, Austin: University of Texas Press, 2003.
Fadi Ahmad Al-Issa, "Living on the Hyphen: The Literature of the Early Arab-American Between 1870-1940", The Florida State University, 2003.
Francesco Saverio Minervini, "Il Cieco di Kahlil Gibran", incroci, VII, 2003, pp. 165-166 (review)
Jacqueline Jondot, "Les écrivains d'expression anglaise au Proche-Orient arabe", Université Lyon II Lumière, Lyon (France), 2003.
K. Gibran, Sang Nabi [The Prophet], translated into Malay by Iwan Nurdaya Djafar, Yogyakarta (Indonesia): Bentang, 2003.
K. Gibran, Sang Pujaan, Penerjemah: Ahmad Munawar, Pracetak: Audi Hartanto, Yogyakarta (Indonesia): Tugu, 2003._______A selection of Gibran’s works translated into Indonesian by Ahmad Munawar.
Maria Paola Porcelli, "Gibran,in scena mistica orientale", La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno, Mar 7, 2003, p. 22 (interview)