Kahlil Gibran Collective


Al-Shu'lah al-Zarqa': Rasa'il Jubran Khalil Jubran ila Mayy Ziyadah [Blue Flame: Letters of Kahlil Gibran to Mayy Ziyadah], Edited by Salma al-Haffar al-Kuzbari and Suheil B. Bushrui, Beirut: Mu'assasat Nawfal, 1984.

Al-Shu'lah al-Zarqa': Rasa'il Jubran Khalil Jubran ila Mayy Ziyadah [Blue Flame: Letters of Kahlil Gibran to Mayy Ziyadah], Edited by Salma al-Haffar al-Kuzbari and Suheil B. Bushrui, Beirut: Mu'assasat Nawfal, 1984.

Ameen Rihani, Qussati ma' Mayy (My Story with May Ziyadah), Beirut: The Arab Institute for Research and Publication, 1980.

Ameen Rihani, Qussati ma' Mayy (My Story with May Ziyadah), Beirut: The Arab Institute for Research and Publication, 1980.

Ida Zilio Grandi, "Fuga ed esilio di Mayy Ziyāda (Nazareth 1886 – Il Cairo 1941)", in Donne in fuga – Mujeres en fuga, a cura di | editado por Monica Giachino, Adriana Mancini, Edizioni Ca' Foscari (ECF), Venezia 2018, pp. 59-74.
Ida Zilio Grandi, "Fuga ed esilio di Mayy Ziyāda (Nazareth 1886 – Il Cairo 1941)", in Donne in fuga – Mujeres en fuga, a cura di | editado por Monica Giachino, Adriana Mancini, Edizioni Ca' Foscari (ECF), Venezia 2018, pp. 59-74. 
The life of Mayy Ziyāda, a complex – and still underestimated – intellectual figure at the time of the Nahḍa or Arab «renaissance», appears in many ways a gradual and necessary flight from the world and, at the same time, a progressive refinement of the sensibility. From her birth in Nazareth, her youth amid the nationalist and anti-British agitation in Cairo, a cosmopolitan and multicultural city, to her hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital in Beirut, then finally back to Cairo where she died in utter solitude, Mayy Ziyāda’s wide and varied literary production speaks for those who, fleeing from themselves and from the emotions of a world at once changing and resisting change, are foreigners everywhere, forever «in the wrong place».
Lettere a Mayy di Gibràn Khalìl Gibràn, versione dall'arabo di Maria Amalia De Luca, prefazione di Andrea Borruso, "Quaderni del Mediterraneo", 2, 1981

Lettere a Mayy di Gibràn Khalìl Gibràn, versione dall'arabo di Maria Amalia De Luca, prefazione di Andrea Borruso, "Quaderni del Mediterraneo", 2, 1981, pp. 29–127.

Maria Amalia De Luca, Le lettere di Gibràn a Mayy Ziyàdah, "Oriente Moderno", LX, 1980

Maria Amalia De Luca, Le lettere di Gibràn a Mayy Ziyàdah, "Oriente Moderno", LX, 1980, pp. 123–131.

Mayy Ziyadah, Rasaʼil Mayy [Letters of Mayy Ziyadah to various recipients, including Kahlil Gibran], Beirut: Dar Bayrut, 1954.

Mayy Ziyadah, Rasaʼil Mayy [Letters of Mayy Ziyadah to various recipients, including Kahlil Gibran], Beirut: Dar Bayrut, 1954.

Nessrine Naccach, "May Ziadé, pionnière téméraire du féminisme oriental", Atelier - Un Jour, une Parleuse», n°8, August, 2019.

Nessrine Naccach, "May Ziadé, pionnière téméraire du féminisme oriental", Atelier - Un Jour, une Parleuse», n°8, August, 2019.

Suheil Badi Bushrui, “May Ziadeh”. al-Kulliyah, Winter 1972, pp. 16-19.

Suheil Badi Bushrui, “May Ziadeh”. al-Kulliyah, Winter 1972, pp. 16-19.