Kahlil Gibran Collective

Kahlil Gibran exhibition at Sotheby's

25 Sep 2018

THIS SUMMER... put a little "Kahlil Gibran" in your day!

Plan to attend CARAVAN ART's exhibition at Sotheby's in London is on between August 6-10 featuring 38 premier Middle Eastern artists inspired by the message of peace and harmony found in Kahlil Gibran's poetry, writings and art, celebrating the authors 95th anniversary year of his best-selling book "The Prophet". 

All the artwork will be for sale with proceeds going to charity for peacebuilding between the Middle East and West.


You will not want to miss this exciting and deeply meaningful art exhibition organized by CARAVAN and co-curated by Janet Rady and Marion Fromlet Baecker. In partnership with The Arab British Centre.




PRESS RELEASE - For Immediate Release – 16 July 2018


Kahlil Gibran: A Guide for Our Times

London, U.K.: 6-10 August
Sotheby’s, 34-35 New Bond Street, London W1S 2RT, United Kingdom (Upper Entrance, West and Linell Galleries)

KAHLIL GIBRAN: A Guide for Our Times is a CARAVAN peacebuilding touring exhibition that will culminate at Sotheby's in London between 6-10 August 2018, featuring over 38 acclaimed contemporary artists from the Middle East inspired by the universal message of peace and harmony found in Kahlil Gibran’s poetry, writing and art, such as in his best-selling book The Prophet, which celebrates its 95th publishing anniversary this year.

The exhibition visually highlights how Kahlil Gibran, a supreme East-West figure, can be an unparalleled guide for our times, related to peace, harmony and the building of bridges between the creeds and cultures of the Middle East and West. Reflecting the compelling universal spiritual contribution that Kahlil Gibran has made and continues to make to the world, the exhibition will show how Gibran’s voice is timeless and can be a guiding spirit for our times. Gibran’s work focuses on the themes that unite all peoples and religions, leading the reader or viewer on a journey towards peace and harmony, reconnecting us with humanity.

Kahlil Gibran, the Lebanese born poet-artist, who immigrated from Lebanon to the US in the late 1800s, and who came into worldwide renown in the 1920s, visited London in 1910 at the end of a two-year period of art studies in Paris. While in London he was profoundly influenced by the mystical work of the poet-painter William Blake and deeply impressed with the paintings of William Turner. During Gibran’s short visit to London with two compatriots, they came up with an ambitious plan to reconcile the faiths in the Arab world on a grand artistic scale. And in London they sketched plans for an opera house in Beirut showcasing two domes, one resembling a church basilica and the other featuring mosque minarets, symbolizing the reconciliation of the two religions.

The exhibition will run from 6 – 10 August 2018 at Sotheby’s Mayfair galleries in London and a percentage of the artwork sales will go to charity, toward peacebuilding in the Middle East through the arts.

The exhibition is co-curated by Janet Rady and Marion Fromlet Baecker and is in partnership with The Arab British Centre. CARAVAN previously held similar exhibitions inspired by Kahlil Gibran with acclaimed artists in Bahrain and Egypt in the spring of 2018. The two exhibitions, together with a selection of work from new artists, will all come together for this larger exhibition at Sotheby’s.

For more information

To read more about the “KAHLIL GIBRAN: A Guide for Our Times” exhibition:

For photographs or press information, email: oncaravan@gmail.com

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Participating artists include:

Somaya Abdulghani, Ahmed Abdullah, Laudi Abilama, Marwa Adel, Sarah Aradi, Zena Assi, Dia Batal, Hady Boraey, Rana Chalabi, Wael Darwesh, Amina El Demirdash, Ahmed Emad Eldin, Taiba Faraj, Doaa Farouk, Nevine Fathy, Noora Fraidoon , Mariam Haji, Sameh Ismael, Christine Saleh Jamil, Nathaly Jung, Lulwa Al Khalifa, Ibrahim Khatab, Ghada Khunji, Mai Al Moataz, Farah Monfaradi, Amal Nasr, Zeinab Nour, Jamal A. Rahim, Reda Abdel Rahman, Omar Al Rashed, Yasser Rostom, Ahmed Saber, Jehan Saleh, Nagla Samir, Ibrahim El Tanbouli, Nazir Tanbouli, Abbas Yousif, Camille Zakharia, Talar Aghbashian


Peacebuilding through the arts between the creeds and cultures of the East and West

CARAVAN, which originated out of Cairo, Egypt, and is now based out of Chicago, USA, is an international peacebuilding arts initiative that focuses on building bridges through the arts between the creeds and cultures of the Middle East and West. CARAVAN’s experience has shown that the arts can serve as one of the most effective mediums to enhance understanding, bring about respect, enable sharing, and deepen friendship between those of different cultures and faiths. Past CARAVAN exhibitions have resulted in unprecedented gatherings of renowned Middle Eastern artists who use art for intercultural and interreligious dialogue, and have garnered attention from the international press, media and art world, attracting thousands of visitors. See: www.oncaravan.org