Kahlil Gibran Collective

Kahlil Gibran: A Universal Philosophy Timelessly Impacted – Anna Seaman

25 Sep 2018

Exibition Preview : 


Kahlil Gibran: A Universal Philosophy Timelessly Impacted – Anna Seaman


The photomontage work is part of a peacebuilding touring exhibition that features over 38 contemporary artists from the Middle East who have been inspired by Gibran’s poetry, writing and art. Whilst Gibran’s work seems to be relevant across ages and geographies, it is particularly timely to host this exhibition in 2018 as The Prophet celebrates its 95th publishing anniversary this year. Smaller versions of this exhibition, titled Kahlil Gibran: A Guide For Our Times, were held in Bahrain in March, and in Cairo in April and May and both are now coming together, with a selection of work from new artists for this summer showing in London, where it will run from August 6-10 at Sotheby’s Mayfair galleries – just after the new musical of Gibran’s first novella, Broken Wings, premieres in the city’s West End theatre district.

Kahlil Gibran: A Guide For Our Times. Sotheby’s, London. August 6-10, 2018 (Open to the Pulbic: Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM ). A CARAVAN exhibition sponsored by Barclays Bank Middle East / North Africa.




Read the full article here: http://www.artlyst.com/previews/kahlil-gibran-universal-philosophy-timelessly-impacted-anna-seaman/