Kahlil Gibran Collective


Eduardo Flores-Bazan, "Tres grandes Libaneses inmortales de las letras", Mundo Árabe, Jan 8, 1954, p. 26.
Eduardo Flores-Bazan, "Tres grandes Libaneses inmortales de las letras", Mundo Árabe, Jan 8, 1954, p. 26.
Elena Bocharova & Marklen Konurbayev, A Case Study of Biblical and Oriental Poetic Motives in Kahlil Gibran’s Prose Poem “The Prophet”, Moscow: Max Press, 2001 (Russian/English).

Elena Bocharova & Marklen Konurbayev, A Case Study of Biblical and Oriental Poetic Motives in Kahlil Gibran’s Prose Poem “The Prophet”, Moscow: Max Press, 2001 (Russian/English).

Elia Abu Madi [Īlīyā Abū Māḍī], Diwān Īlīyā Abū Māḍī, Muqaddimah Jubrān Khalīl Jubrān [Introduction by Kahlil Gibran], New York: Matba'at Mir'at al-Gharb, 1919

Elia Abu Madi [Īlīyā Abū Māḍī], Diwān Īlīyā Abū Māḍī, Muqaddimah Jubrān Khalīl Jubrān [Introduction by Kahlil Gibran], New York: Matba'at Mir'at al-Gharb, 1919, pp. 3-5.

Elia Abu Madi, Al-Jadawil (The Streams), with an introduction by Mikhail Naimy and drawings by Kahlil Gibran, New York: Mir'at al-Gharb al-Yawmiyyah, 1927.
Elia Abu Madi, Al-Jadawil (The Streams), with an introduction by Mikhail Naimy and drawings by Kahlil Gibran, New York: Mir'at al-Gharb al-Yawmiyyah, 1927.
Source: Arab American National Museum 

Elia Abu Madi, Diwan Iliya Abu Madi al-Juz' al-Thani, Introduction and Illustrations by Kahlil Gibran, New York: Mir'at al-Gharb al-Yawmiyyah, 1919.
Elia Abu Madi, Diwan Iliya Abu Madi al-Juz' al-Thani, Introduction and Illustrations by Kahlil Gibran, New York: Mir'at al-Gharb al-Yawmiyyah, 1919.
Source: Arab American National Museum 

Elias Abu Shabaki (Ilyās Abū Shabakah), Rawābiṭ al-fikr wa-al-rūḥ bayna al-ʻArab wa-al-Farinjah (Intellectual and spiritual links between the Arabs and the French), Bayrūt: Manshūrāt Dār al-Makshūf, 1943.

Elias Abu Shabaki (Ilyās Abū Shabakah), Rawābiṭ al-fikr wa-al-rūḥ bayna al-ʻArab wa-al-Farinjah (Intellectual and spiritual links between the Arabs and the French), Bayrūt: Manshūrāt Dār al-Makshūf, 1943.

Elisa Roncalli, "Kahlil Gibran, il profeta del dialogo tra fedi e culture: Intervista a Francesco Medici", L’Eco di Bergamo, Giovedì 5 Gennaio 2023, p. 34.

Elisa Roncalli, "Kahlil Gibran, il profeta del dialogo tra fedi e culture: Intervista a Francesco Medici", L’Eco di Bergamo, Giovedì 5 Gennaio 2023, p. 34.

Elizabeth Boosahda, Arab-American Faces and Voices: The Origins of an Immigrant Community, Austin: University of Texas Press, 2003.

Elizabeth Boosahda, Arab-American Faces and Voices: The Origins of an Immigrant Community, Austin: University of Texas Press, 2003.

Elizabeth Claire Saylor, A Bridge Too Soon. The Life and Works of ‘Afīfa Karam: The First Arab American Woman Novelist, University of California, Berkeley, Summer 2015.

Elizabeth Claire Saylor, A Bridge Too Soon. The Life and Works of ‘Afīfa Karam: The First Arab American Woman Novelist, University of California, Berkeley, Summer 2015.

Ellis Grossman, ‘Prophet’ Profit Big Success, The Desert Sun, Palm Springs, California, Wednesday, May 22, 1974.

Ellis Grossman, ‘Prophet’ Profit Big Success, The Desert Sun, Palm Springs, California, Wednesday, May 22, 1974.

Elsie Mitchell Rushmore, "A Bibliography for Social Workers among Foreign-Born Residents of the United States", New York City, 1920, pp. 34-35.

Elsie Mitchell Rushmore, "A Bibliography for Social Workers among Foreign-Born Residents of the United States", New York City, 1920, pp. 34-35.

Elvira Diana, "Alcune considerazioni sull’influenza della letteratura russa sui pionieri della nahdah araba", in "Incontri fra Russia e Italia: lingua, letteratura, cultura", ed. Giovanna Moracci, Milan: LED, 2017, pp. 211-223.

Elvira Diana, "Alcune considerazioni sull’influenza della letteratura russa sui pionieri della nahdah araba", in "Incontri fra Russia e Italia: lingua, letteratura, cultura", ed. Giovanna Moracci, Milan: LED, 2017, pp. 211-223.

Elvis Presley's First Copy of The Prophet 1955

Elvis Presley's First Copy of The Prophet Housed at the Gibran National Museum of Lebanon - Purchased by Glen Kalem-Habib 9th of March 2013

To Whom it may Concern 

My name Homer. M Gilleland For 29 years proceeding his death I was the personal hairdresser 

of Elvis Aaron Presley. 

I originally worked at department store in Memphis called Goldsmiths which had a hair salon. This is where I first met Elvis mother

Gladys.  I also began cutting Elvis fathers hair that is how I Elvis and I gegan doing his hair as well. 

During my employment as Elvis' hairdresser he gave me as gifts numerous items of clothing and personal


This book titled The Prophet was the first book that Elvis received as a gift back in 1955

and it's a book he would continue to read the rest of his life.

Next to the bible it was his favorite book. This particular book which Elvis has handwritten “e.Ps 

personal copy was the book he would often read to his mother. 

Gladys loved this book as well and loved to listen to Elvis read passages out of it.

As with all of Elvus books he would underline certain passages and make notes throughout the book.

Elvis later gave this first copy of this book which he used to read to his mother years later to Charlie Hodge.

I was present when Elvis gave Charlie(d)  this book

Homer M Gilleland 


Enrique Cury U., "Gibran Khalil Gibran, Principe del Intelecto", Mundo Árabe, Nov 22, 1954, p. 5.
Enrique Cury U., "Gibran Khalil Gibran, Principe del Intelecto", Mundo Árabe, Nov 22, 1954, p. 5.
Epistolary Exchange between Mikhail Naimy and Ameen Rihani
Epistolary Exchange between Mikhail Naimy and Ameen Rihani 
In his letter in Arabic dated October 10, 1934, Naimy apologizes for not meeting with Rihani for the latter's invitation letter arrived late, and he invites him to Baskinta.
Source: Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies/Ameen Rihani Organization
Ernie G. Tannis, Mediator: A Life on the Edge of History, ADR, Fall 2012, pp. 3-4.

Ernie G. Tannis, Mediator: A Life on the Edge of History, ADR, Fall 2012, pp. 3-4.

Esse V. Hathaway, "A Bit of Syria Between the Skyscrapers", The Baltimore Sun, March 20, 1931, p. 16.
Esse V. Hathaway, "A Bit of Syria Between the Skyscrapers", The Baltimore Sun, March 20, 1931, p. 16.
Esteban Fayad, "Alto relieve de la cultura libanesa: Gibrán Jalil Gibrán y Amin Rihani, valores inmortales del pensamiento", Mundo Árabe, Jan 20, 1950, p. 9.

Esteban Fayad, "Alto relieve de la cultura libanasa: Gibrán Jalil Gibrán y Amin Rihani, valores inmortales del pensamiento", Mundo Árabe, Jan 20, 1950, p. 9.

Esteban Fayad, "El Libano: y sus grandes Escritores", Mundo Árabe, Mar 19, 1954, p. 11.

Esteban Fayad, "El Libano: y sus grandes Escritores", Mundo Árabe, Mar 19, 1954, p. 11.

Esteban Fayad, "Gibrán Jalil Gibrán: sabio, escritor y artista", Mundo Árabe, Feb 18, 1955, p. 4.
Esteban Fayad, "Gibrán Jalil Gibrán: sabio, escritor y artista", Mundo Árabe, Feb 18, 1955, p. 4.