Kahlil Gibran Collective


Francesco Medici, "Figli dei cedri in America. Il carteggio tra Ğubrān Ḫalīl Ğubrān e Amīn Fāris al-Rīḥānī", La rivista di Arablit, I, 1, June 2011

Francesco Medici, "Figli dei cedri in America. Il carteggio tra Ğubrān Ḫalīl Ğubrān e Amīn Fāris al-Rīḥānī", La rivista di Arablit, I, 1, June 2011, pp. 83–112.

Francesco Medici, "Il Profeta" di Gibran diventa un cartone, «Paneacqua», May 2012

Francesco Medici, "Il Profeta" di Gibran diventa un cartone, «Paneacqua», May 2012, XVII, 197, 51-53. 

Francesco Medici, "Juhan’s Jihad and the Blond Beast: Ameen Rihani between Islamic Doctrine and Nietzschean Perspective" Louaize Press, 2017, pp. 364-411.

Francesco Medici, "Juhan’s Jihad and the Blond Beast: Ameen Rihani between Islamic Doctrine and Nietzschean Perspective", in "Axes in the Philosophy of Ameen al Rihani" (Maḥāwir fī falsafat Amīn al-Rīḥānī), Beirut: Notre Dame University - Louaize Press, 2017, pp. 364-411.

Francesco Medici, Háblanos de la belleza. "Twenty Drawings" de Kahlil Gibran, Traducido del italiano por Antonio Abellán, «FMR», 26 (Julio-Agosto), 2008

Francesco Medici, Háblanos de la belleza. "Twenty Drawings" de Kahlil Gibran, Traducido del italiano por Antonio Abellán, «FMR», 26 (Julio-Agosto), 2008, pp. 101–115.

Francesco Medici, Il dramma di Lazzaro. Kahlil Gibran e Luigi Pirandello, «Asprenas», 49, 2002

Francesco Medici, Il dramma di Lazzaro. Kahlil Gibran e Luigi Pirandello, «Asprenas», 49, 2002, pp. 33–56.

Francesco Medici, Kahlil Gibran e l’Italia, «incroci», no. 35, Jan-Jun 2017

Francesco Medici, Kahlil Gibran e l’Italia, «incroci», no. 35, Jan-Jun 2017, pp. 61-76.

Francesco Medici, Leggere Gibran in un’era di globalizzazione e conflitti, «Asprenas», 59, 1-4, 2012

Francesco Medici, Leggere Gibran in un’era di globalizzazione e conflitti, «Asprenas», 59, 1-4, 2012, pp. 207–212.

Francesco Medici, Parlaci della bellezza. Su "Venti disegni" di Kahlil Gibran, «FMR», 26 (luglio-agosto), 2008

Francesco Medici, Parlaci della bellezza. Su "Venti disegni" di Kahlil Gibran, «FMR», 26 (luglio-agosto), 2008, pp. 101–115.

Francesco Medici, Parlez-nous de la beauté. Sur "Twenty Drawings" de Kahlil Gibran, Traduction de l’italien par Geneviève Lambert, «FMR», 26 (Juillet-Août), 2008

Francesco Medici, Parlez-nous de la beauté. Sur "Twenty Drawings" de Kahlil Gibran, Traduction de l’italien par Geneviève Lambert, «FMR», 26 (Juillet-Août), 2008, pp. 101–115.

Francesco Medici, Speak to us of Beauty. On "Twenty Drawings" by Kahlil Gibran, «FMR», 26 (July-August), 2008

Francesco Medici, Speak to us of Beauty. On "Twenty Drawings" by Kahlil Gibran, «FMR», 26 (July-August), 2008, pp. 101–115.

Francesco Medici, Un abito arabo per "Il Profeta". Lettere inedite di Kahlil Gibran a Antony Bashir, «Kervan», 7-11, gennaio 2010

Francesco Medici, Un abito arabo per "Il Profeta". Lettere inedite di Kahlil Gibran a Antony Bashir, «Kervan», 7-11, gennaio 2010, pp. 37–57.

Francesco Saverio Minervini, "Il Cieco di Kahlil Gibran", incroci, VII, 2003, pp. 165-166 (review)

Francesco Saverio Minervini, "Il Cieco di Kahlil Gibran", incroci, VII, 2003, pp. 165-166 (review)

Francisco A. Propato, "Khalil Gibran en la Argentina", La Reforma, Sept 2, 1939, p. 1.

Francisco A. Propato, "Khalil Gibran en la Argentina", La Reforma, Sept 2, 1939, p. 1.

Fred Holland Day, Portraiture and the Camera (The Young Sheik [Kahlil Gibran]), The American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac, Edited by Walter E. Woodbury, New York: The Scovill & Adams Company, 1899.

Fred Holland Day, Portraiture and the Camera (The Young Sheik [Kahlil Gibran]), The American Annual of Photography and Photographic Times Almanac, Edited by Walter E. Woodbury, New York: The Scovill & Adams Company, 1899.

Freedom and Slavery [poem], The Syrian World, 6, 6, February 1932, p. 43

Freedom and Slavery [poem], The Syrian World, 6, 6, February 1932, p. 43 [digitized by the Moise A. Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA].

Gabriela Mistral, "Gibran Khalil Gibran", La Reforma, Jul 26, 1931, p. 3.

Gabriela Mistral, "Gibran Kahalil Gibran", La Reforma, Jul 26, 1931, p. 3.

Gabriela Mistral, On Kahlil Gibran [Manuscript, c. 1930], Biblioteca Nacional de Chile [National Library of Chile].

It is a 21-page long copybook ('Cuaderno') handwritten in pencil by Chilean poet and Nobel Prize winner in Literature Gabriela Mistral (1889-1957) completely dedicated to Kahlil Gilbran [sic] which is currently kept safe in the archives of the National Library of Chile.

George H.W. Bush, Remarks at the Dedication Ceremony for the Khalil Gibran Memorial Garden, Washington, D.C., May 24, 1991
George H.W. Bush, Remarks at the Dedication Ceremony for the Khalil Gibran Memorial Garden, Washington, D.C., May 24, 1991, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: George H.W. Bush (1991, Book I), pp. 556 - 557. 
The President spoke at 8:59 a.m. in the Khalil Gibran Memorial Garden (Washington, D.C.). In his opening remarks, he referred to William J. Baroody, Jr., Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and president of the Khalil Gibran Centennial Foundation; Sheryl Ameen, member of the board of directors of the foundation; Peter S. Tannous and Adelaine Abercia, chairman and vice-chairman of the dedication committee; Ambassador Nassib S. Lahoud of Lebanon; Representative Mary Rose Oakar; and entertainers Flip Wilson and Jamie Farr. Following his remarks, the President traveled to Boston, MA.
George Nicolas El-Hage, "A Journey in the Company of the Philosopher of Freike: Ameen al-Rihani", Aqlam, issue 5, April 2022, pp. 6-25.
George Nicolas El-Hage, "A Journey in the Company of the Philosopher of Freike: Ameen al-Rihani", Aqlam, issue 5, April 2022, pp. 6-25. 
George Nicolas El-Hage, "A Reading of Bushrui’s Kahlil Gibran: Man and Poet", Aqlam, issue 7, November 2022, pp. 7-23.

George Nicolas El-Hage, "A Reading of Bushrui’s Kahlil Gibran: Man and Poet", Aqlam, issue 7, November 2022, pp. 7-23.