Kahlil Gibran Collective
Lebanon, My Lebanon, Part 1
Man & Poet
New Book - "In Search of a Prophet" Now in Paperback Edition
Prayer: A Forgotten Poem by Gibran and the Members of Arrabitah
Rose Cecil O'Neil (Rosalind) - a new portrait by Kahlil Gibran.
Siegfried Sassoon: "Gibran Seems a Very Nice Creature"
The Birth of The Prophet & Kahlil Gibran's Lebanon and Syria...: Two New Books by Dalton Hilu Einhorn
The Film
The House of The Prophet: Gibran at Mrs. Garland’s Farm
The Mystic Pact. A Poem Read by Mikhail Naimy at Gibran’s Memorial
The Prophet
The Prophet – A Miniature Edition
The Prophet of War (part II)
The Prophet, translated.
The Spirit of Gibran: Amin Beder's Eulogy
Translating Gibran’s Early Arabic Books: An Unpublished Letter of Mikhail Naimy to Alfred Knopf
Translations for The Prophet now stands at 112
With Kahlil Gibran at the Tenth Street Studio Building - "if walls could talk"